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Book ID: 116154
Muer, Thomas, Herbert Sauerbier und Ralf Jahn

Flora Cretica. A complete handbook of all flowering plants, lycopods and ferns occurring on the island of Crete and surrounding islets. 2024. 2475 col.. photogr. 1254 p. Hardcover.

Descriptions of more than 2100 endemic, autochthonous, introduced and invasive species, subspecies and varieties on 1254 pages. 2475 colour photographs allow a reliable identification of all described species. The book offers detailed descriptions, data on flowering period, habitat, distribution, etc.
Author Muer, Thomas, Herbert Sauerbier und Ralf Jahn
Article type Titel
Author Muer, Thomas, Herbert Sauerbier und Ralf Jahn
Manufacturer Kleinsteuber Books
Price excl. VAT 93,36
US price excl. VAT 102,7
EAN 97339818110-5-6
ISBN 97339818110-5-6
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
99,90 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
93,36 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(102,70 US$)
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